How to Secure Your Digital Life - The Class Available Now

WIRED: We Need a Manhattan Project for Cybersecurity

Grand thinking created the Internet, small thinking won’t save it. Though we’re racing forward at break neck speed to connect all the objects in our physical world — the tools we need to run our society — to the Internet, we still fundamentally do not have the trustworthy computing required to make it so. Of the 6,494 words President Obama uttered […]

The Economist: A cybercrime tsunami: what to do about the world wide wave

Crime is down in advanced economies around the world—at least that is what some statistics suggest. While it is true that violent crime has dropped precipitously in the developed world over the past two decades, in fact, there is a tsunami of criminal activity on the horizon. It is in the form of cybercrime, and […]

WIRED: The internet of things will turn our machines against us

This article was taken from The WIRED World in 2016 — our fourth annual trends report, a standalone magazine in which our network of expert writers and influencers predicts what’s coming next. When most people think of cybercrime, they think of hackers raiding bank accounts, stealing identities and pilfering credit-card numbers. Ah, the good old […]

Slate: You Can’t Replace Your Fingerprints

Biometric security seems secure, but it isn’t hack-proof. This essay is excerpted from Future Crimes: Everything Is Connected, Everyone Is Vulnerable, and What We Can Do About It, by Marc Goodman, published by Doubleday. The biometric scanners we see in Hollywood spy thrillers such as Mission: Impossible all look so high-tech and capable—eye scanners, fingerprint […] A View from the Unfriendly Skies: How Criminals are Using Drones

Marc Goodman of the Future Crimes Institute and Singularity University shares his thinking on the promise — and threat — of drones. For most people, drones are flying robots irrevocably associated with killing, warfare or even war crimes over the skies of Iraq or Afghanistan. Yet what started out as a purely military technology is rapidly migrating […]