How to Secure Your Digital Life - The Class Available Now

Big Picture Science Podcast/SETI Institute: They Know Who You Are

You’re a private person. But as long as you’re on-line and have skin and hair, you’re shedding little bits of data and DNA everywhere you go. Find out how that personal information – whether or not it’s used against you – is no longer solely your own. Are your private thoughts next? A security expert […]

XPRIZE: The End of Privacy

When criminals, businesses, and governments monitor you, what does privacy mean anymore? Edward Snowden, Marc Goodman and Vint Cerf on privacy in a digital age.

The Agenda: Marc Goodman – A Manhattan Project for Cyberspace

Marc Goodman, author of “Future Crimes,” returns to The Agenda to discuss the need for broad-based approach to cyber-security. With ever increasing threats to individual privacy, infrastructure, financial security and public safety, Goodman explains why we need a “Manhattan Project for the 21st century” in cyberspace.