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The Kojo Nnamndi Show: Future Crimes In Cyberspace

In the Internet age, everything is connected so everyone is vulnerable — in ways we may not even imagine yet. A new book says hackers are already more organized and more innovative than the good guys, and it’s time for the good guys to take a stand…  

Popular Science: Most of the Web is Invisible to Google. Here’s What it Contains.

You thought you knew the Internet. But sites such as Facebook, Amazon, and Instagram are just the surface. There’s a whole other world out there: the Deep Web… It’s a place where online information is password protected, trapped behind paywalls, or requires special software to access—and it’s massive. By some estimates, it is 500 times […]

Slate: You Can’t Replace Your Fingerprints

Biometric security seems secure, but it isn’t hack-proof. This essay is excerpted from Future Crimes: Everything Is Connected, Everyone Is Vulnerable, and What We Can Do About It, by Marc Goodman, published by Doubleday. The biometric scanners we see in Hollywood spy thrillers such as Mission: Impossible all look so high-tech and capable—eye scanners, fingerprint […]

Boing Boing: The time a hacker remotely bricked cars in Texas

When all things are hackable, all things will be hacked. Even in the age of the Internet, buying a car can be an expensive, frustrating, and laborious process. It’s even worse if you are unemployed or have limited resources. Fortunately, Texas Auto Center in Austin caters to just these customers, promising a car for everyone, […]