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WIRED: We Need a Manhattan Project for Cybersecurity

Grand thinking created the Internet, small thinking won’t save it. Though we’re racing forward at break neck speed to connect all the objects in our physical world — the tools we need to run our society — to the Internet, we still fundamentally do not have the trustworthy computing required to make it so. Of the 6,494 words President Obama uttered […]

RSA Charge 2017: Q&A Session with Marc Goodman

While at RSA Charge 2017, Marc Goodman, global security adviser and New York Times best selling author of “Future Crimes,” talks with RSA about why he likes cybersecurity, his thoughts on IoT and more.

The Agenda: Marc Goodman – A Manhattan Project for Cyberspace

Marc Goodman, author of “Future Crimes,” returns to The Agenda to discuss the need for broad-based approach to cyber-security. With ever increasing threats to individual privacy, infrastructure, financial security and public safety, Goodman explains why we need a “Manhattan Project for the 21st century” in cyberspace.