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The Economist: A cybercrime tsunami: what to do about the world wide wave

Crime is down in advanced economies around the world—at least that is what some statistics suggest. While it is true that violent crime has dropped precipitously in the developed world over the past two decades, in fact, there is a tsunami of criminal activity on the horizon. It is in the form of cybercrime, and […]

WIRED: The internet of things will turn our machines against us

This article was taken from The WIRED World in 2016 — our fourth annual trends report, a standalone magazine in which our network of expert writers and influencers predicts what’s coming next. When most people think of cybercrime, they think of hackers raiding bank accounts, stealing identities and pilfering credit-card numbers. Ah, the good old […]

XPRIZE: The Business of Cybercrime

The average time to realize you’ve been hacked is 200 days! Cybercrime is organized, global, and practically untouchable by today’s laws. Vint Cerf, Marc Goodman and Liam O’Murchu on the business of cybercrime in a digital age.

The Agenda: Marc Goodman – A Manhattan Project for Cyberspace

Marc Goodman, author of “Future Crimes,” returns to The Agenda to discuss the need for broad-based approach to cyber-security. With ever increasing threats to individual privacy, infrastructure, financial security and public safety, Goodman explains why we need a “Manhattan Project for the 21st century” in cyberspace.