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TED Global: A Vision of Crimes in the Future.

The world is becoming increasingly open, and that has implications both bright and dangerous. Marc Goodman paints a portrait of a grave future, in which technology’s rapid development could allow crime to take a turn for the worse.  

NPR’s Marketplace: We have some catching up to do on cybersecurity

  If you want to know about the crimes of the past, read Agatha Christie. If you want to know about the crimes of the future, read Marc Goodman. Goodman started his career as a Los Angeles police officer, and first forayed into the tech crime beat in a fairly unremarkable way… If you want […]

BBC Radio 4: FutureProofing

Who will be on top in the world of future crime – the cops or the criminals? How will crime change and what can be done to prevent it in future? Presenters Timandra Harkness and Leo Johnson explore how crime and punishment will change in the 21st century.

Forbes: The Rise of Crime-Sourcing

Crowdsourcing began as a legitimate tool to leverage the wisdom of the crowds to solve complex business and scientific challenges.   This post originally appeared on O’Reilly Radar (“From crowdsourcing to crime-sourcing: The rise of distributed criminality“). It’s republished with permission. Crowdsourcing began as a legitimate tool to leverage the wisdom of the crowds to […]

UNICRI: Crime and Policing in Virtual Worlds

Over the last years we have witnessed changes as we analyzed criminal trends and elaborated new strategies to confront crime. New scenarios have emerged, which have obliged us to improve knowledge and to rethink strategies. These changes are the direct consequences of a wired world driven by global markets where frontiers are abolished mainly in […]