The Economist: A cybercrime tsunami: what to do about the world wide wave

…and national security will be profound in 2016. Today’s transnational organised-crime groups are technologically sophisticated and their business plans have more in common with global technology companies than they do…

The Guardian: Hacked dog, a car that snoops on you and a fridge full of adverts: the perils of the internet of things

in the near future in the physical world. Real space will become just like cyberspace. With the widespread adoption of more networked devices, what people do in their homes, cars,…

Popular Science: Most of the Web is Invisible to Google. Here’s What it Contains.

typical pen and ultraviolet-light tests. 3. Forged Papers Passports, driver’s licenses, citizenship papers, fake IDs, college diplomas, immigration documents, and even diplomatic ID cards are available on illicit marketplaces such…