Tim Ferriss Show: Marc Goodman, FBI Futurist, on High-Tech Crime and How to Protect Yourself

https://marcgoodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Tim_Ferriss_Show_-_Marc_Goodman.mp3 In this episode, we’ll go deep into the digital underground to expose the alarming ways criminals, corporations, and even countries are using emerging technologies against you…and some simple steps…


…mas isso é apenas o começo. Com uma sólida carreira em segurança pública e contraterrorismo, Marc Goodman leva os leitores a uma jornada pelos recantos mais sombrios da internet. Como…

The Guardian: Hacked dog, a car that snoops on you and a fridge full of adverts: the perils of the internet of things

coming years, not only will every computer, phone and tablet be online, but so too will every car, house, dog, bridge, tunnel, cup, clock, watch, pacemaker, cow, streetlight, bridge, tunnel,…